Hey everyone! For those of you that dot know me by Cancer Cowboy but know me as Peterdea, I figuered I needed to have a different name. For those of you that don't know me, Hey! Whassup!
I know it did Little Brother - I was starting to think that PM of mine never went through - that, or you were simply ignoring me. Meh, whichever, I'm just glad to see you here! Finally I haver my virtual brother and sister here, and at least half my adopted kids and one adopted step kid too - I'm loving this semi-reunion vibe we got going on here - Rav's in her element for sure =) Oh and btw of course I knew it was you straight away - that's why I was on your whiteboard before here! Haha, ah Pete, good to see a fellow bard / ovate / aspiring writer joining the ranks. I know it aint much but it's a start, and a positive step away from the... negativity (?) of the other place. Anyways, glad you're here. Have fun. You know where to find me should you feel that way inclined *hugs*
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy the forum and hit me up if you need something. :)
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.