It's something I'm throwing around at the moment here behind the scenes. I know it may be a tad premature but I was thinking, if we had something that suggests who we are and what this place sort of stands for, we could use it in all manner of things, from header to style icons to 'Member of the Month' banners and so on - really driving this point of creativity and community together.
So does anyone have ideas?
If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about think of your favourite band. Most of them have symbols that let you know who they are and if you're lucky a bit for what they stand for. Perfect example is my current Sig - Linkin Park's latest M2M logo and Disturbed's Believe logo (merged together). Fans will recognise them singularly when they see them, and that's the idea. McDonalds Fast Food chain has the universally known Golden Arches. Microsoft has the Flying Windows logo. Think of any major retailer and chances are there's a logo there somewhere. This is what I'm talking about.
As we're all pretty much creative types here at this site I thought why not throw the idea out there and see if anyone can put their talent to actual use. It's nothing concrete at the moment but IF the rest of the staff go along with it and if the site in general agrees then I don't see why we cant have something that's ours and ours alone exclusive to this site - we're a community, let's see if we can create something we can stand united beneath - like a common cause of sorts.
So I'm throwing the challenge out there.
Let's face it - for those of you who are bored of posting in the same old games threads and have nothing else 'constructive' to entertain you, why not give it a shot? You might get a bit of notoriety out of it - if Quills holds out and grows in the coming months and years, who knows? We all had to start somewhere, huh?
(Techical specs - nothing as of yet. Depending on what people come up with we'll see what works and what doesn't. Think of how you'd promote this place if you could only use this symbol - maybe you've got a catchy one-liner to go along with it? Let's see... Good luck!)
Hmm. I know that I got a ton of ideas as soon as I start concentrating on the whole thing for real, but I prefer talking on AIM or MSN about stuff like this, gives more freedom in my opinion. And let's not forget that I can't draw at all. XD But yeah, I already got ideas... Just not willing to post them here, at least not yet. Hit me up on AIM, Rav, so we can start throwing ideas around.
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.
Since it's called 'Quills', I had thought that a quill would be appropriate ... but I didn't get much further than that. Random idea - three quills with their tips together, and in each section a scroll\book, a musical note\instrument, and a paintbrush\canvas? My digital graphics skills are very rudimentary, but I'll try to throw something together today
Sounds awesome guys. Loving that triplicity there Jess.
As for jumping on AIM, I'll do my best, but given time zone differences might make things difficult, at least at the moment, my work roster's a bit all-over-the-place at the moment but will see what I can manage so we can get this thing started. I'll keep you posted ^^
I may title the book (Quills, by Sarah ) and I'm not pleased with the brush, but here's a rough one.
UPDATE: Now with title. Trust me, it looks a lot better on my screen - tinypic, my imagehoster, converts it to .jpg or something and that f*cks with the colors. Sorry about that. But as conceptual art goes, it works; you get the idea. Ideally the bottom quills would be diagonal, so that the three sections are equal.
-- Edited by Jess on Saturday 30th of May 2009 12:47:16 PM
Apologies for the double post, but I had another idea. I used to collect feathers, and I still have some of them. Over the week, I'll play around with some photgraphy, and post up the results if the concept pleases ya's.
Sounds good Jess, all ideas are very much appreciated. I've got a few myself. See if I can pull myself away from The Park long enough to draft something... will see. Looking forward to see what you come up with. The more ideas we can throw around the better. I'm HOPING if we get enough that we can put it to a member vote and see what the site wants. See what we come up woth in the mean time ^^
Okay none of these were what I really had in mind but after a few hours of playing around they're the best at what I came up with (most of the ideas that looked 'good' in my head didnt look that good in reality, as is usually the case ;)) - so I was using this theme of creativity and came up with individual symbols for each.
^ 'Main' banner I guess you'd call it *shrugs*
^ Third Eye Chakra Symbol as Jon2 suggested is the 'birthplace' of creativity.
^ The Treble Clef (I think?) it is is the music symbol.
^ The Hand (Escher, from his 'Love hate relationship') symbolises art.
^ The Quill - quite simply, writing.
So these are similar just to show you how I broke it down. Ideally if we had the power I'd like to see logos or the like associated with each category on the home page (Art for art, writing for writing etc) but that's probably not possible. I was playing with the idea anyway...
^ I also did this one which was just for the hell of it. Not really over the moon about any of them but I promised I'd give something a shot so here it is for now. My original idea was also inspired somewhat by Jess' triplicity there. The Q as the base disected by three quills and each pie section showed art, writing and music to make up the whole circle but be damned it I could pull it off, looked like a watermill wheel *lol*
-- Edited by Ravynlee on Sunday 31st of May 2009 07:07:35 PM
Awesome ideas. Funny enough, Jess, your idea actually gave me an idea. I got a few photos which might just fit as a logo, have to go through them first though...
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.
Your main banner seems a little too busy, imo, Ravyn. I really like the individual parts, though, especially the treble clef and the red quill. Trying to put it all together into one compact, eye-pleasing symbol isn't going to be easy.
True that. I originally had the Third eye symbol out of the main banner but decided with an individual it needed to go back in so I slapped it on the Treble Clef. Meh, to be brutally honest I don't really like any of them for this purpose. Was a literal time-killer, but showed I was doing something rather than just talking bout it ;)
I really like some of the elements you have there Rav, like the ॐ symbol and the hand, but I think there's a thing or two to still work on. I like the first one the most, but I'm hoping you would use more colors and alternate with the "Q" in all of the pics like in the first and the third pic. I like your way of designing though. Hopefully people who know more about art are willing to give their deeper opinions and analyze what to change.
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.
You know, Jack mentioned in another thread that she could change the name of the site. Maybe we shouldn't restrict ourselves to quill-ish art. Just a thought.
Another thought - a horizontal quill with ink spilling from it vertically. Some image in the spilled ink. My initial mental image had a tree, but it could be anything.
That's true. But she doesn't really want to change it now we're somewhat established and she has all these promotional tools at her disposal (like the blog, the yahoo thing, etc) - I guess I can see where she's coming from. And you're right, it doesn't have to be Quill-ish art, it was a literal representation because I couldn't think of anything else to be honest *lol* When it comes to creativity I write and I draw, period, they're what I do (or did).
Spilled ink is good. Tree represents growth/life. Could work. Have a visual in mind?
^ I'm hearing you. My 'awesome' idea about the disected Q went out the window the minute my brain let go and my hand took over. End result not worth posting - but no matter...
Well we can't have individual banners anyway on the mainpage, but individual banners may be good for things like 'Member of the Month' or 'Music/Writing/Artistic competition winner' etc which are currently being proposed. A small issue is finding an image we can all agree on and THEN finding a style and background to match it to bring this site up to scratch.
I'm not sure why Quills was chosen as a name (I liked the movie of the same name btw, different) but as at least that can be linked to this creativity suggestion at least we have something to work with.
Not sure - kind of a header idea - but has a very 'trippy' vibe to it. Ordinarily I shy away from bright colours, but for this instance I thought we needed something that grabbed the attention - and besides, could make creating separate banners from it easier if it were colour-associated
I know! Haha. So colourful for me. BUT I thought seeing as how people liked the red before and the yellow um... place where we write - and we were trying to veer away from the stereotypical 'quills' representation, I thought it was worth a shot.
That's me getting out of my comfort zone for ya.
I think the general public wants some colour *gasp* I have to admit after 4 odd years of black backgrounds/white text, as cool as it looks, it strains the eye too much. I love the Nouveau style at present but really I hate to say it... we need a change from dark and brooding. It's not conducive (or representative) of 'creativity' is it? Just a thought.