Aww a member two seconds and goes straight for teh sugar rush - I think someone's going to settle in just fine
Seriously, welcome. Have fun. And feel free to eat as many cookies as you want. Admin always has cookies - too bad they're all in the shape of Jack White *lol*
Welcome to Quills, Ian! I think I ate all the cookies, but let me check...
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.