I love the STYLE not the colour scheme. Too feminine really.
I just had a thought.
My design was retro. Your captian contest banner is retro. Try a black background and have the um... site, places where we write text, yellow again. People liked that pale yellow. The one you had the other night.
Not sure - kind of a header idea - but has a very 'trippy' vibe to it. Ordinarily I shy away from bright colours, but for this instance I thought we needed something that grabbed the attention - and besides, could make creating separate banners from it easier if it were colour-associated
Hey, I really like this one. It's a lot different than anything else that's been done, but it's got a nice look, and it shows the branches of creativity well. Unless we find something much better, I say we use it Of course to fit in with it, the general color scheme of the site would have to be changed, which suck since I kinda like this blue and purple.
Thanks Jess. I was hoping at least someone liked it!
Yeah, it's bright. But it should be enough to symbolise what we represent and what it all means - Quills bringing all that 'creativity' together in a very literal (and visual) sense. Deep, 'eh? And you thougt it was just a bunch of pretty colours thrown together? XD
I really like the colors, Rav, but that retro look just isn't really my thing. I have to admit though, the logo could look a lot worse than that. It's also great how you sort of point out that creativity isn't just those 3 basic themes - photography, dancing and such are also ways of expressing yourself and your freedom. Thumbs up, I say
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.
Maybe the 'curls' at the end are a bit much 'eh? If you cover that part with your hand it's less retro - but then again it's still bright and gaudy. I don't know, as I said, it's something anyway - and what's more important it's not just a random picture about anything that doesn't tell you anything about this place - Just in the way the cover of a book or movie should give you some clue as to what you're in for, so I think a site header or the like should be the same. With a name like 'Quills' we do sound like a writer's bazzaar. We need something that says straight from the start 'This is what we are all about.' Simple as that.
EDIT: Oh and for the record, Retro isn't my thing either *lol* (waaaay off!) BUT Jack designed a seal for the Caption contest and it's what I would call retro - I thought retro was something we could work on, at least until something else comes up. Of course, having said that, we don't want to label ourselves as a bunch of stoned writers or something with all the colours and a name like Quills *lmao* but you see what I'm getting at. We have no theme at present. Nothing that makes us stand out in any way let alone tells people what we're about. Sure, the thread topics do when you scroll through them, but let's be realistic. It's like advertising. If something doesn't hook you in straight off the get-go why bother waiting to see what else is around the corner?
I'm not saying we use this but it was an idea. Something to show you what all this talk was literally for and about. I think if we don't try we're not going to be any better than half the other sites out there with a so-so homepage and a questionable purpose.
-- Edited by Ravynlee on Tuesday 2nd of June 2009 06:12:26 PM
Eh, kinda dragging this thread up outta the dirt, but I had something to say. I like the new(ish) banner - cool concept and all that - but to be honest it really doesn't fit with the red stripes. It's also too big, IMO; when you load the page, you can't even see a glimpse of the boards, and I hate that. It's just a pleasing effect, I guess, getting your first look at a new forum. When that first look is a snowy, dignified banner, relatively gaudy ruby-red stripes, and (unavoidable, I know) adds ... it doesn't look like something to linger on. And at the risk of sounding b*tchy, the darn stripes still don't line up.
Thanks for mentioning those up Jess. Fact is, the banner is done by me, and you know my 'skills', lol. This is only a temporary banner, at least I've had that impression, which I did to just give Jack and Rav some ideas. How long it's up there is pretty much their call since like I said, I have no talent in this kind of stuff whatsoever.
I agree, it's way too big. I was going to take the red stripes away but no one said that it mattered until you did, so I admit being guilty of laziness...
-- Edited by Jon2 on Tuesday 16th of June 2009 03:10:54 AM
Dreaming of Zion, Awake Sleeping Awake.
"We’ve never tried to come off as better than our fans, our fans... when they come to see us play, they’re actually a part of, you know, us playing. Sonny, the way he is on stage, he connects with them, emotional and in every kind of way you can imagine, you know, musically, and I think that they can see that it’s not, you know, a put on, it’s not something that’s fake, it’s real." - Mark Daniels of P.O.D.
I am going to suggest a tip for all people who volunteering their kind artisitc services to Quills - please don't try to copy the background pattern because we've had two attempts already and both have failed to blend into the background. It's only my two cents that's all.
God Bless Us Everyone We are a broken people living under a loaded gun